Suboxone Appointments From The Comfort Of Your Home
Offering the opportunity to receive life changing medication, regardless of barriers that have once stood in the way of helping people take back their lives. Call or email us now to schedule your appointment.
What is R.O.B.O.T.? Remote Office Based Opioid Treatment (R.O.B.O.T.) is a telehealth program that allows for people to receive medication for opioid use disorder from a medical provider via our virtual clinical, Doxy.Me. Before COVID19, the strict federal guidelines mandated daily clinic visits to receive these medications, making it extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible, for those with barriers to follow. Those living in rural and urban areas without reliable transportation, childcare, job schedules that didn't accommodate clinic hours of operation, or insufficient financial means where more likely to drop out of the program, and ultimately return to substance use. With R.O.B.O.T., patients can attend our virtual clinic, meet with a provider, and have the prescription sent to their preferred pharmacy.
How can we make R.O.B.O.T. accessible to everyone? Through the implementation of our new telehealth program, Remote Office Based Treatment, or R.O.B.O.T., our clinic can now help those with different barriers that make it difficult to seek out lifesaving opioid medication due to reasons such as: transportation, travel distance to in-person clinics, conflicts with work schedules due to daily visits to clinic, childcare barriers, and so many more.
Suboxone prescriptions are written up to 30 days at a time, and you will be required to meet with a provider for a follow-up appointment prior to each month's prescription.
During your first month in the program, you will need to virtually meet with the provider in the first 3-5 days after starting the medication and again in another 1-2 weeks at the provider's discretion.
Each month, you will also meet with the R.O.B.O.T. Coordinator/Peer Support for a monthly check-in on your overall well-being and how you feel life is or isn't positively progressing and if there is anything the coordinator can do to help, such as connect you to certain resources. As the patient, you can schedule additional appointments with peer support if you want or need to.